

The snack bar. I have a relatively clear memory of some aspects of the snack bar, perhaps because I was always hungry. My clearest memory, though, is of Rio Helmi standing outside the snack bar and asking for a bit of whatever it was you bought. Obtaining permission, he would proceed to eat half of it in one bite. Rio was my roommate (one of five of us who shared a room), but at times like this I really disliked him.Posted by Picasa


At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And who could forget Angelo! and those delicious Bel Paese cheese sandwiches on rolls. YUM! In 2001, right after the last reunion Darcy and I traveled to Switzerland and Italy. We stopped in Lugano and visited Angelo and his wife at their apt in Montagnola. Here is his story: He ran the store/snack bar until 1975 and still owns it with his sister. From 1975 - 85 he had a restaurant in Sorengo. Since then he has worked for TASIS in the business office. He does banking for students and purchases food and office supplies for the school. He married Carmen in 2000.


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