
Dear Classmates,
Here it is, the first installment of the official, unofficial TASIS Class of 1971 Photoblog! It is my first blog so please forgive all the errors, especially the spelling errors. I never could spell, and for some reason all of my spell checking software seems to be on the blink tonight.
I have kept my comments to a minimum below most pictures. In some cases I could not restrain myself, and wrote a bit about what I remember. You will discover that I have a strange sense of humor. Not offensive I hope. If anything is, I apologize in advance (except to Rio of course, who really owes me). You see what I mean.
My restraint with respect to comments allows you to play "Name that Classmate." Or perhaps you might prefer "Wow, have I got a good story to tell about that!" I know one of the best stories (about the damaged car), but will not tell it until I give others a chance. In any case, it would be fun to hear your memories. Just hit the "comments" button and you will be able to post a response. Please do sign your post. What fun is it if we do not know who you are? You do not have to register with Blogger. Just put you name at the bottom of your post. Like this:
Bruce Kirchoff Posted by Picasa


At 9:42 PM, Blogger lascabecitas said...

congratulations !!!!! great blog. interesting. life is wonderful. (sorry about my english) Im an Uruguayan man living in the NYC. Look mi blog. www.lascabecitas.blogspot.com.
Congrats !

At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great fun looking through the photos! Thanks for doing this! You even managed to fit me in there. Boy, what a long time ago that was. Have a great reunion!

Dennis Cockrell

At 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog alan R


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