
Lisa Curran (with an extremely wide confidence interval - Who is this really?), Evelyn Gustafson, Patti McCroy, and Debbie Pietrack in Milan for Teatro Alla Scalla. Ouuuu (never could spell that), lots of stores about La Scalla. Someone want to tell them? What production did we see? All I can recall is being hungry! Posted by Picasa


At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Opera - Samson and Delilah - I slept through the second act. ewan

At 4:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the time we saw The Flying Dutchman and some 10th? graders had too much red wine and messed up the red velvet seats? The Scala threatened to never let TASIS come to a performance again, so Mrs. Fleming sent Laurette and Joan Principato as a diplomatic delegation for a formal apology. Or did I just make that up??


At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry, make that Joanne!


At 7:06 PM, Blogger Dr. Bruce Kirchoff said...

No you did not make it up. Or maybe it happened twice. I fear that one of my roommates was involved in the incident. That would have made it 1971, the only year I was at TASIS. Naturally I am not able to divulge the identify of the Mexican who was involved in this event.


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