
Bertha Seifert

While in collage at the University of Michigan I shared my yearbook with one of my friends. Paging through he suddenly exclaimed "Bertha Seifert! So that's what became of her." It seem that Ms. Seifert was a teacher at the Cranbrook Acadamy of Sciences outside Detriot when my friend was a student there. He knew her, but did not know where she went when she left. There has got to be a story there. Posted by Picasa


At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have SEVERAL Ms. Seifert storries. But you have to come to the reunion and get them in person.

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Dr. Bruce Kirchoff said...

No, no. I want them now! I cannot make the reunion.

At 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some Bertha stories. Senior year I roomed with Heather, Leslie Simitch and Leslie Stuart. Next door I think was Maret and Liz Gillespie in a double. We were right down the hall from Bertha. Heather & I had the great idea to tie Simitch to a chair and leave her in front of Bertha's door while we ran away..... When Carter (was that his name?) got kicked out for drugs and went to live in a trailer with his girlfriend nearby, and Heather and I were put on the InterPol list, our room got searched quite often by Bertha. Somehow we always had a warning and ripped up all our letters and stuff which we stashed in our laundry bags and she found those and was suspicious.... Then there was the time Cathy Steele was walking behind Betha down the long hall in Da Nobili and imitating her limp and only at the end realized there was a big mirror and Bertha was watching her. Oooooops!

At 5:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On my first day I met Ingrid and instantly wanted to be her roomate, but I was already signed up in a 5bed room in Negroni. So at night, I would pull the matress off my bunk and drag it down the hallto Arnesen's room and sleep there. And of course, I got caught! Seifert made me drag it back. But I repeated this so many times, that they finally let Ingrid and I get a 2-bed room in Pozzo. Which lead to us talking all night every night and being late for class! Joan Pinkvoss said if it happened again, we would be separated, so we set 4 alarm clocks to be sure to wake up and we stayed roommates until Ingrid graduated!

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a slightly different take on Bertha Seifert, but then I didn't live in Da Nobili. No doubt she was an inflexible witch to many in her dorm domain. But we played the piano a lot, and many of you will recall this being inflicted upon you periodically. Anyway, Miss Seifert was an extraoridinarily talented musician. I found it quite poignant that she explained once that she gave up on the idea of a concert career (she studied with the best in Leipzig) because of her limp. For those of us whose musical fix is as close as an iPod, I will always remember her improvising from memory her version of the Rachmaninoff Vocalise, a profoundly beautiful work, just for herself, nobody really cared, and I was the nerdy guy transfixed by this mean old lady playing this beautiful music.


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