
The beach at Monte Carlo. We ended up at the beach becasue we did not have enough money to gamble, and they chased us out of the casinos as soon as we stopped feeding the machines. They seemed to be happy to have us stay as long as we were playing. I think I still may have some rocks from this expidition. Posted by Picasa


At 4:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The boy on the right looks like Crandall to me, but I may be wrong (again).
Does anyone know where he is? After TASIS I went to Greece and he and his family were staying on the same island, in a house around the corner from ours. We had a great time since we hadn't really known each other at school.

At 4:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comment about Crandall and Greece was from me.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Dr. Bruce Kirchoff said...

If Hannes was right in his identification of Crandall Clark, then this is definitely not Crandall.


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