
Steve Kupper

One of my five roommates. Posted by Picasa


At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Robin! I had heard rumors of Steve's death, but never had the details. I head that he was a disk jockey for awhile. Do you know anything about that? If he has survived we would have had something in common. I ended up with a Ph.D. in Botany. Some more pictures of Steve will be appearing in due time. I think that there may be some more of you coming too.

At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Kuuper, as Robin says, was an extraordinarily funny, and sensitive, and actually very mature guy for his age. We had unforgettable times together, as Robin said, with a lot of role playing. Steve was smitten by....I'll hold off. All we 17 year old boys were, anyway. We took a great Fall break trip to Nice and the French coast, renting these pathetic little Mobilettes and sputtering up and down the coast, Steve with this little green 'Robin Hood' style hat. We just missed seeing Picasso himself, appearing to view some vandalism of a mural at his museum in Vence. I saw Steve in around 1974 when he was at UC Davis. His brother called to give me the sad news, and (now realizing I haven't recalled this since back then) I immediately answered "Steve' when his brother called since their voices were identical. But nobody was like Steve Kupper. This was a horrible loss.

At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can remember steve sitting in my living room in germany smoking a pipe and looking calm and mature. he never struck me as our age. he was wonderfully grounded and funny. someone called me right after he died. i don't remember who but i have missed him during all these years and think of him often.


At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hesr about Steve I remember.him well hope everyone is ok thank you for the update did Max Page pass away??Alan

At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what happenned to Robert wilson??


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