
Robin Thomas, at her most beguiling. - No truely. I was buguiled, and I know I was not the only one (but I am not telling who else, so there!) Posted by Picasa

Heather Collier. Who else. -- I got in so much trouble telling stories about Rio that I should just keep quiet about Heather. We will see if I can hold out. Check for comments on a regular basis. Posted by Picasa

David Lift

I am almost 5% certain that this is Steve Kupper. You can increase that percentage, or dash my hopes, by adding your opinion. Posted by Picasa

Mark Burdick. My sweet Lord! Posted by Picasa

Muff Murfin? Has to be. Posted by Picasa

Mail call! This is how people used to communicate before email. The "letters" had things at the top called "salutations." They were a kind of greeting from the person writing the "letter" to the reader. Then at the end, the writer actually signed their name! Weird eh? Posted by Picasa

More of the staff, arriving at work. Posted by Picasa

George Hagedorn in the swimming pool outside Bosco. This pool will play an important role in an attack on an innocent photographer, to be chronicled in a later post. Posted by Picasa

One of the TASIS staff at some function, which I almost remember. Is that Shar Bymark in the background? Posted by Picasa

Terry Banning. A passport photo, I believe. Posted by Picasa