
Dear Classmates,
Here it is, the first installment of the official, unofficial TASIS Class of 1971 Photoblog! It is my first blog so please forgive all the errors, especially the spelling errors. I never could spell, and for some reason all of my spell checking software seems to be on the blink tonight.
I have kept my comments to a minimum below most pictures. In some cases I could not restrain myself, and wrote a bit about what I remember. You will discover that I have a strange sense of humor. Not offensive I hope. If anything is, I apologize in advance (except to Rio of course, who really owes me). You see what I mean.
My restraint with respect to comments allows you to play "Name that Classmate." Or perhaps you might prefer "Wow, have I got a good story to tell about that!" I know one of the best stories (about the damaged car), but will not tell it until I give others a chance. In any case, it would be fun to hear your memories. Just hit the "comments" button and you will be able to post a response. Please do sign your post. What fun is it if we do not know who you are? You do not have to register with Blogger. Just put you name at the bottom of your post. Like this:
Bruce Kirchoff Posted by Picasa

Ed Mitchel

The St. Moritz white walls are unmistakable in this sensitive rendering of one of our classmates. Who is this? Posted by Picasa

Barbara Johnson

I am sure I took this picture. The explanation of this certainty is given in an earlier/later/lower post. Posted by Picasa

Miguel Ajuria

My Mexican roommate. He went to Spain over spring break (like me), and came back with great stories of how well the Spanish treat visiting Mexican students. Posted by Picasa

Double exposure with soccer ball. Those hands belong to . . . ? I bet you think I do not know! Posted by Picasa

As I explain later (er, earlier - I mean lower - oh heck, you figgure out what I mean), Robin took all the great pictures in the yearbook. However, in my mind I took all the ones of the cute girls. Like this one. Are not memories great? Posted by Picasa

Watching a hotel burn in St. Moritz. Posted by Picasa

The boys sking outside Bosco. We must have been really desperate. Posted by Picasa

Melanie Brooks

This young lady was almos as quiet as I was. Who is she? Melanie Brooks. Posted by Picasa

This is the picture I refer to later when I ask about the mystery meeting. Figgure out who it is now, becasue I spill the beans later. Posted by Picasa

Bruce Kirchoff

Ha! You will never figgure out who this is (No telling Ewan!!).
[Yep, its me. The football and athletic pose are just part of my disguise.]Posted by Picasa

Hannes Vogel

Hannes Vogel, apparently playing basketball. Posted by Picasa

Rio Helmi (or actually not)

Who is this masked man, and what are those strange gestures he is making? In case you cannot see it, it says "Buddha" on his stomach. There is also a drawing of a face. I persume that it is the face of the Buddha, and those gestures must be ones of supplication. Yes? - - All right, all right, you forced it out of me. It is Rio Helmi, or at least it used to be. Rio is a famous photographer now, probaby a multi-millionaire. His url is in the comment. I would still like that $2,000 Rio. I will even forgive you all those sandwiches you pinched from me (see below for the full story), but it will still cost you an extra grand. - - Rio was another of my roommates. He slept right below me in a bunkbed. One night he convinced me that I absolutely could never prounce Köln correctly. He thought this was just terribe as my parent lived just outside of Köln. I have lots of Rio stories. The shadow in the background used to be me. Posted by Picasa

Akbar Ahmed Khan, the math teacher who, if you persist, you will see in a bowler hat lower in the blog. Posted by Picasa

Robin Hamilton

It is her passport photo I bet. She will be at the reunion, I think. Posted by Picasa

Ingrid Arnesen

I sure hope I took this. Posted by Picasa

Leslie Simitch

It was too easy. I would tell you what she wrote in my yearbook, but it is eluding me right now. Maybe it will turn up before the reunion. Hi Leslie! Posted by Picasa

Who is this, missing a goal? There are few clues. Posted by Picasa

Miguel Ajuria

One of my four roommates. This is the one who used to "borrow" my soccer shoes without permission. Ah, the joys of high school. Posted by Picasa

Randy Mead

Double exposure 3 (or so). Posted by Picasa

The first of three pictures of girs in a line. I have no idea what they were doing. Posted by Picasa

Robin Leibbrand

You should have seen it when it was finished. Yikes! Posted by Picasa

Buffet meals Posted by Picasa

Judy Hallock

A young lady amid the ruins.Posted by Picasa

The beach at Monte Carlo. We ended up at the beach becasue we did not have enough money to gamble, and they chased us out of the casinos as soon as we stopped feeding the machines. They seemed to be happy to have us stay as long as we were playing. I think I still may have some rocks from this expidition. Posted by Picasa

Bob Stokes and ?

Monte Carlo trip. Posted by Picasa