
Joan Pinkvoss

She is on the far right. This is the only picture I have of her. Who are the others? Is that Pam Hanson? Posted by Picasa

Terry Tomlin, Catherine Steele

Heather Collier, Steve Callahan, Tracy Stephens

Heather is expressing angst at the thought of not having Dick Nixon to kick around much longer. I wonder how she knew that? Posted by Picasa

Just like Ansel Adams

Great photographers know how to wait. I was as patient as Ansel Adams on this exposure. I choose my shot, set up . . . and waited . . . and waited . . . and waited . . . it took a long time. Then, when everyone's back was turned, I snapped it! Brilliant! Posted by Picasa

Mark Rossow, Steve Kupper

 Posted by Picasa

Steve Kupper, Bob Stokes, Tracy Killam

Remember the dented car? It belonged to Tracy. The dent? It was garnered the evening that this picture was taken. Someone must know the rest of the story. Ed? Posted by Picasa

Catherine Badin Bio on the Blog

Catherine Badin asked me to post this for her. I have deleted her phone number (you can email her for it), but otherwise left everything intact. Enjoy!
Okay...alright...enough already!! Here's my freakin' bio--and for all of you who haven't quite figured out yet that I AM the "badcat" in "badcat@popstar.com"... here's my update:

Graduated TASIS in 1970 to continue my travels with "Mommie Dearest" until I was 18 and then promptly left home. From 1970-1993 worked in many areas of the entertainment industry in LA and SF in film/video/radio production including: stage management for live music events; field producer/segment producer for cable TV; production on music videos; freelance writing; freelance photography (actors, artists, musicians); performance artist of "spoken word" prose/poetry; published poet for 3 years in local LA poetry mag, "Saturday Afternoon"; singer/songwriter of folk/pop tunes performed at "The Central" on the Sunset Strip (now owned by Johnny Depp and renamed "The Viper Room"); and last but not least, simultaneously studied health & healing and yoga philosophy, new-age self-improvement philosophies, metaphysics and Rebirthing work and have since continued assisting clients to achieve their life goals.

Nope, I'm not a "billionairess" yet--but YEP, I'm a honest-to-goddess "renaissance woman".. so, sue me.

In 1993 after the LA riots I moved up to Seattle, WA for 4 years of HELL. I liked Seattle; but Seattle didn't like me! The trick is NEVER to tell Washingtonians that you're from California! (who knew??) Moved back to LA in 1997 whereupon my mother promptly died and disinherited me. Moved up to Portland, OR in 1998 and have been here ever since (except for a rather weird 6-month sojourn to Philadelphia in 1999). I'm still writing, singing and taking photographs. I had a book agent a few years ago, which fizzled, and I am now seeking new representation for a "coffee-table type" book of my photos on the "goth" kids (see website link below). I've also been writing an on-line column called, "The Cat Corner," which has been on hiatus for awhile and is sort of "under construction" (also see link below, unless you're a brainwashed Republican!). My newest venture is doing voice-over narration work--which is a blast!

Other than all of the above, I lead a fairly mellow lifestyle in Portland with my main squeeze, "Bill" the cat (see attached photo [no photo attached-Ed.]). In my 20's and 30's I had a slew (a slew?? a slough?? a few?? a slut??...) of unsavory, unhappy and unfulfilling relationships which only strengthened my resolve to "stay-away-from-bloodsucking-men" (or marrow-sucking-women, for that matter!) and concentrate, instead, on my own career development. Since then, I've been quite happy living the high life of the "flying nun," thank you very much!

So, there you have it folks--most everything I could fit in a nutshell to tell you. Unfortunately, I'm unable to attend the reunion, but please.. I'd love to hear back from any of you who might actually remember me, so do feel free to email me and shoot the breeze!

Best regards,

Catherine Badin

photo website: http://www.catherinebadin.com
The Cat Corner blog: http://www.livejournal.com/~thecatcorner/