
That's All Folks!

All good things must come to an end, and unfortunately this is the end of my old photographs. Everything else I have is from the yearbook. There are several hundred more of those, but there are not scanned and y'all have seen them already. So where to now? If you have pictures you can post them on the Blog. I can add you as a contributor and you can post too. You can also send them to me and I can post them, but that is almost as hard as posting them yourself. Let me know if you want to join.

Pam Hanson, Byron Lewis, Leslie Smitch

Don't blame me, I am just the messanger. She must have known there was a camera in the area. Posted by Picasa

Deibbie Blocker

Or Dana Blocker; one or the other. Posted by Picasa

Crandall Clark

Thanks to Hannes, I now have an idea. :-)
What is that thing he is reading? White, flat, easily bent; anyone have any idea? I am stumped. Posted by Picasa

Nancy Hubbard, Melanie Brooks, Ed Mitchel, Tracy Killam

It was a great picture before the double exposure. At least it is stil interesting. Who are those two on the left?

Robin Leibbrand, Pam Hansen, Tracy Stevens

Who else? Posted by Picasa