
Ingrid Arnesen

Now that I have said that about Maret, I have to say that Ingrid Arnesen was pretty too. Well she was! Posted by Picasa

Maret Hensick

Maret Hensick. I thought you should see a pretty face (even if in a bad photograph) before you had to deal with what is coming. Posted by Picasa

Mike Morrow, Mark Burdick and John Good (being bad)

What can I say? Photographers at TASIS had to put up with lots of abuse. What could be under that gray box, I wonder? That handsome fellow in the middle is Mark Burdick. The others? I need your help. Posted by Picasa

George Hagedorn, Miguel Ajuria

Ooooh, now I'm scared! . . . George Hagedorn and Miguel Ajuria imitating Kevin Haug. Seems like photographers don't get any respect . . . . . missed. Posted by Picasa

Kevin Haug 2

You would't think he could do that! Kevin Haug again . . . missed! Posted by Picasa

Kevin Haug 1

Kevin Haug trying to bean an innocent photographer with a snowball . . . missed (naturally).Posted by Picasa

Chip Conway

Chip Conway! Grateful that Kevin is out of sight for the moment.Posted by Picasa