

Remember Vezia? With the miracle of modern technology you can fly there without leaving home. Here is all you have to do:
1.) Install Google Earth. It is free and easy to install. I will also amaze you! Follow this link to the download site.
2) Once it is installed, click on this link. You will be on your way to Vezia.

Cool, eh?

Lisa Curran (with an extremely wide confidence interval - Who is this really?), Evelyn Gustafson, Patti McCroy, and Debbie Pietrack in Milan for Teatro Alla Scalla. Ouuuu (never could spell that), lots of stores about La Scalla. Someone want to tell them? What production did we see? All I can recall is being hungry! Posted by Picasa

Bosco! My home away from home. Email correspondence is teaching me that there was much about TASIS life that I did not know. Well, I suspected, but did not know (I had to say that in case any of my students ever see this. I cannot look like a complete ignoramus.) Help me out here. How many students lived off campus? Posted by Picasa